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Truck brake linings are a key component of the braking system in heavy-duty vehicles such as trucks and buses. They are typically made of materials such as asbestos, ceramic, or semi-metallic compounds, and are designed to provide friction between the brake pads and the brake rotor or drum. This friction generates heat and slows the vehicle down.
Advantages of using truck brake linings include:
Durability: They are designed to withstand the high heat and heavy loads of commercial vehicles.

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Increased stopping power: The friction material used in truck brake linings can provide better stopping power than other types of brake pads, making the vehicle safer to drive.
Cost-effective: They are relatively low-cost, making them a cost-effective option for heavy-duty vehicles.
Low maintenance: They require minimal maintenance and can last for a long time.
Variety of options: There are different types of brake linings available, each designed for specific applications and operating conditions, providing more options for truck owners.


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